Author: IHE

Make 2015 your best year yet…part two

There is so much to look forward to from Integrative Health in 2015. We pride ourselves on working with the best trainers, but we also seek out courses that are the missing link in helping practitioners improve the way they work with clients.

A great example of this is Debbie Grayson’s Basic Pharmacology and Drug, Nutrient Interactions course held in February, July and October. The course will give practitioners a practical working knowledge of interactions between common pharmaceutical drugs and supplements. This course is recognised by the British Association for Applied Nutrition and Nutritional Therapy (BANT) and provides seven hours CPD towards therapists’ annual accreditation and certification is provided.

Fully qualified osteopaths, physiotherapists, sports massage therapists, personal trainers and CHEK practitioners should look out for James Duffin’s Integrative Neuromuscular Therapy workshop in April. Integrative Neuromuscular Therapy (INMT) is an in-depth form of ‘hands-on’ therapy, which applies specific soft tissue therapy techniques to alleviate the symptoms of acute and chronic pain syndromes. James Duffin has worked closely with José A. Llaguno, one of the world leaders in INMT. If you miss April then don’t worry, James will be back with this one later in the year.

One of our best-loved educators, JP Sears, will be braving the UK winter to teach here in March. Based in California, JP is a holistic lifestyle coach who helps to empower people to live more meaningful lives as whole individuals. His courses are relevant to many different sectors of health and wellbeing so watch out for more news of his visit.

We’re really excited about welcoming Kieran Macphail to the team. Kieran is a physiotherapist, nutritional therapist and exercise specialist who is passionate about getting people out of chronic pain and back to what they do best. His course, A Practical Approach to Mastering Breathing, will take place in April and uses case studies and practical sessions to teach practitioners how to assess and improve a patient’s breathing mechanics.

And last, but certainly not least, our very own Emma Lane will be teaching her World of Parasites, Fungus and Bacteria course…look out for Level 2 towards the end of the year. Also new for 2015 is her Destination Wellbeing diploma…more news on that very soon.

So as you are settling down to enjoy the Christmas break, do take some time over the holiday to think about your CPD in 2015. It’s going to be another exciting year at Integrative Health Education and we hope you will join our community.

Merry Christmas from Emma, Graeme and the whole team!

Picture power

Images are everything. On social media, engagement levels increase where posts contain images; print and online media value good images highly and your website will have more visual appeal. Paying for professional photography is a wise investment and will pay dividends in the long run. But don’t leave anything to chance. Write a really good brief for your photographer and include a list of shots you want to get so nothing is forgotten on the day.

Make 2015 your best year yet…part one

Becoming the best practitioner you can be takes hard work, it takes time and it requires the right training. Planning your training and finding the best course is often the hardest part to get right.

Emma Lane, founder of Integrative Health Education, explains her approach to her own CPD: ‘I’ve always been very proactive with my personal development. I’m constantly looking at how I can meet my clients’ health and wellbeing needs and improve or broaden my treatment options.

‘Talking to other practitioners is key. If I learn of a type of practice or treatment that I feel complements my existing skill set or will help me to answer a client’s health issue I then seek out the best practitioner in that field to learn from. I want to learn from the best and that’s the approach upon which we’ve built Integrative Health Education.’

Courses planned for 2015 include some well-established, ‘essential learning’ workshops such as Emma’s Holistic Approaches to a Fully Functional Gut and Graeme Jones’ Stress: A Modern Day Epidemic as well as some new topics that will have wide appeal like Tells of a Dis-Eased Body. Unique to Integrative Health Education, this one-day course takes a fascinating look at the warning signs the body gives us. Learn facial and tongue analysis, visceral somatic referral patterns and nail analysis – tools that will help practitioners understand their clients’ internal ecology and spot signs of potential disease development.

Personal trainers and corrective exercise specialists can look forward to some excellent courses next year and Integrative Health Education is delighted to welcome Mark Buckley. Mark is an orthopaedic rehabilitation expert and strength and conditioning coach from New Zealand who has worked with many professional athletes. He’ll be flying into the UK in September to teach his FMA Strength Training workshop.

Earlier in the year PTs should look out for Robert Yang who is coming over from America to teach Olympic Lifting in March and he flies back in July for his Programme Design course (definitely a ‘must-do’ for 2015!). Rob is a certified nutritionist, strength and conditioning specialist, Olympic weight-lifting coach and an advisory board member with the Titleist Performance Institute, so don’t miss out on him coming to the UK.

Graeme Jones, one of Integrative Health Education’s directors and our resident ‘stress expert’, will be on hand to help practitioners tackle this highly relevant topic. Stress: A Modern Epidemic will be held in February and June and is hugely beneficial to all practitioners as it introduces stress physiology, pathophysiology and psychobiology. Graeme’s new course, The Effects of Stress on Weight Loss: A Guide to Helping Clients is very relevant to a wide variety of practitioners, from PTs to nutritionists. Look out for this in June, October and November – no excuse to miss it!

Anyone looking to grow their business in 2015 should start the year as they mean to go on and book Nichole Sweetsur’s PR and Social Media course in January. This one-day workshop is a very hands-on day that helps ALL practitioners get to grips with their marketing.

This is a just a taster of what we’ve got in store for 2015…. look out for part two of this blog which is coming soon!

And for an overview of all the 2015 courses, have a look at our calendar.

Identify your targets

Successful marketing campaigns start with a great list. Forget the scattergun approach, assign sufficient time to building a list of relevant contacts across all your communication channels and then maintain that list by updating with any new names and contacts as you come across them.

Schedule Worry Time

Some stressors demand immediate attention — a smoke alarm siren or a police car’s whirling red light. But many low-grade stressors can be dealt with at a later time, when it’s more convenient. File them away in a little mental compartment, or make a note. Then deal with them when the time is right. Don’t let them control you.

Relationships are key

Just like you get to know your clients, get to know relevant journalists or bloggers. They are human too. There is no ‘one size fits all approach’.Try to understand their needs, schedules and personalities and you’ll soon know how to best pitch to them.


Breathing from your diaphragm oxygenates your blood and helps to stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system, which helps you relax almost instantly.

Diet for detox

You can improve somebody’s overall diet, and that in itself will help support and cleanse the body detox systems, however if somebody is going for a specific cleanse approach for detoxification then that will be more challenging on the body and the overall level of time will be shorter than somebody eating for general supportive detoxification processes.

Key messages

Consistency is key in communication. Think about your unique selling points and the messages you want your clients to take away from anything they read about you. Write them down, refine them and use them over and over in your press releases, blogs, price lists, websites etc.


INTEGRATIVE HEALTH EDUCATION brings together the best health educators from around the world to present a comprehensive programme of training opportunities. Course subjects include gastrointestinal health, parasites, fungus and bacterial infections, energy and emotional healing practices and mindfulness. If there is a subject you’d like to learn more about, but can’t find a course, just let us know.

Mission Statement

Our vision is that health practitioners can develop the skills and knowledge to employ a variety of practical methodologies that safely bridge the gap between conventional Western medicine and holistic healthcare practices.

Through our training courses we aim to give practitioners, whatever their approach to health and wellbeing, the knowledge, skills and tools that will enable them to deliver the best possible approaches to resolve their patients or client’s health challenges.

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