Author: IHE

Take Some “Me Time”

Take some “me time” at various points through the day. If you have a very stressed busy lifestyle, work on breathing exercises every couple of hours. This technique reduces stress, increases oxygen intake and increases productivity and creativity.

Digestion – The role it plays in nutrition and our emotional health

A practitioner’s personal story of attending Emma Lane’s Holistic Approaches to a Fully Functional Gut Course.

In recent years the health and fitness industry has truly embraced the importance of gut health. It’s now accepted that only through a well-functioning digestive system can long lasting results and a sense of true wellbeing and balance can be achieved.

As a holistic nutritionist I have come to this realisation too, not just through my work with clients, but also through my own healing journey which started four years ago and is still on-going. I can now say for sure that thanks to Emma Lane and her in-depth courses and professional support, I finally know where I am going – my journey has a destination and I have the right ‘education map’ to reach it.

Whole body wellbeing
When I first qualified as a nutritionist I was taught to only look at the physical aspects of the body and to prescribe a variety of supplements and diet plans to treat these aspects. I was taught to always test and look at the body only on a symptoms basis. That approach worked well for a while until my clients hit either a plateau or attained only average wellbeing – the feeling of true wellbeing was not yet there. I personally tried a bodybuilding competition prep regime with that same mentality. I learnt that the body doesn’t function in isolation and we need to look at it as a WHOLE and always start with the gut – that is where we break down, digest and absorb food and also, as I later discovered, our emotions and experiences can also be affected.

Unique approach
This personal quest to find my own healing led me to Emma Lane’s Integrative Health Education courses. I has been advised to visit her but never looked further until one day I accidentally bumped into her during the CAMExpo 2014. I knew then that this was life speaking to me to take action and learn from her. Emma’s unique approach addresses the whole body and the individual inside. I haven’t yet found anyone else who teaches so well how to look at health from all sides – physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.

Fully functional gut
I started my training with Integrative Health Education with the Holistic Approaches to a Fully Functional Gut course in October last year. I already knew a great deal of information on how the GI tract functions and what nutrients it needs so I wondered what else could it be there to learn. I can now say – a lot more.

Emma took us on an in-depth tour of every organ and its structure, function and place in the body. She explained the most common illnesses and recommend appropriate approaches and treatments. I was highly impressed by her recommendations as they were based on her 20+ years of experience of not just learning and researching but also seeing results with clients. She gave us detailed guidelines that we can feel confident to use too.

Gut health and emotions
My favourite part was when the course showed its true uniqueness by linking gut health to emotional wellbeing. Emma revealed how each organ is connected to particular emotions so if for example, we suffer from anxiety it is likely that the stomach will also be affected and visa versa if we have issues with HCL, for example, anxiety might arise too. This holistic approach was eye-opening for me as Emma gave us additional tools on how we can work with clients on the emotional side too for long-lasting results. The brief look at this particular area gave me the interest to learn more, and I have since attended Emma’s 1-day course specifically on organs and emotions – Messages from Within.

The course environment was very engaging and the class was small enough to allow better learning and time for discussions. Other practitioners also commented further on the unique knowledge about vitamin B12 absorption for example – one of the key nutrients for solving fatigue.

Emma revealed that in order to have good absorption of nutrients such as minerals, B vitamins etc., we need good HCL (hydrochloric acid) production in the stomach, along with good saliva secretion stimulated by a good cephalic response before eating. Taking a supplement is not enough. It is about how you eat (relaxed and not in a rush), what you eat (good quality protein, fats and carbs that match your lifestyle and biochemical needs). We also examined the importance of how good the digestive system is in breaking down protein and keeping you safe from parasites, bad bacteria or fungal overgrowth.

We also looked further into the role of good bacteria and how studies showed that it now played an important role in cancer prevention, genetic material formation, arthritis and many more health conditions.

Wellbeing platform comes first

Emma’s overall advice to everyone was to always create a solid WELLBEING PLATFORM to support the body while also addressing the drivers that led to the symptoms to start with.
No cleansing of pathogens can happen if the body is not strong enough mentally and physically. The same applies to weight-loss too as losing fat is also the body’s way of losing toxins that are stored in the fat tissues so if the liver is not well-supported the process might cause more harm to the individual.

As a practitioner, I can’t recommend the course enough as it gave me many eye-opening details that allow me to finally connect the dots when treating clients and look at them from a place of wholeness. I feel truly grateful to have access to Emma’s years of knowledge and experience that are all collected in my course manual – a great reference book when working with clients.

Invest for yourself and your clients
I admire greatly Emma’s way of teaching as her engaging approach makes the course a great learning process and her advice to treat everyone as an individual resonates with my philosophy as a practitioner too.

I wish Emma and the rest of the team a great year and if anyone is willing to take their health and that of their clients to a state of true wellbeing and wholeness, do sign-up for Emma’s next Holistic Approaches to a Fully Functional Gut Course. It is an investment worth making for both yourself and for your clients. As the saying goes ‘When you invest in yourself, the world invests in you too.’

Maya Petrova, Holistic Nutritionist & NLP Practitioner,

Drink Water

Drink adequate filtered or bottled mineral water. Take your body weight in Kg and multiply by 0.033 to find out how many litres you need to drink every day.


If you consume drinks containing caffeine stop by 3pm. Caffeine has a half-life of 6 hours and it has been shown to disrupt sleep patterns.

A Glass of Water

Drink one large glass of water 15 minutes before eating your food. Ingest a small amount only if needed during mealtimes only to help with mastication and swallowing of food. Wait about 45mins after eating to drink again so not to dilute your stomach acid to allow optimal digestion.

Think About Your Food

Think about your food, look at it, smell it before eating it to activate your digestive processes. Chew your food to a liquid to assist in optimal digestion. Eat in a quiet, calm environment, avoid eating in a rush or when distracted e.g. driving, checking emails etc.

Quick Detox Drink

For a quick detox drink, squeeze the juice of half an organic lemon and add it to a glass of water (hot or cold) and drink it. A pinch of cayenne pepper can be added to help boost the immune system.


INTEGRATIVE HEALTH EDUCATION brings together the best health educators from around the world to present a comprehensive programme of training opportunities. Course subjects include gastrointestinal health, parasites, fungus and bacterial infections, energy and emotional healing practices and mindfulness. If there is a subject you’d like to learn more about, but can’t find a course, just let us know.

Mission Statement

Our vision is that health practitioners can develop the skills and knowledge to employ a variety of practical methodologies that safely bridge the gap between conventional Western medicine and holistic healthcare practices.

Through our training courses we aim to give practitioners, whatever their approach to health and wellbeing, the knowledge, skills and tools that will enable them to deliver the best possible approaches to resolve their patients or client’s health challenges.

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