Author: IHE

Oil Pull

Use a teaspoon of coconut oil, swish it around the mouth for 5-20mins (this technique is called Oil Pulling), spit out the used oil into the bin and clean your teeth afterwards. A good time to Oil Pull is when you are in the shower. Coconut oil has many benefits including being anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and it also whitens your teeth.

Through the looking glass

Your eyes are such an important part of your everyday life. Without them, life would be a lot more difficult. This means that it is important to do whatever you can to protect your eyes. There are ailments that you may be able to prevent or to stave off as long as possible through the use of diet and supplements as well as through avoiding certain activities. However, diet seems to have some of the best results in keeping your eyes and this is one of the easiest things that you can do in order to help your eye health.

Why does eye health start to falter? One of the more common of reasons for eye health to start failing in age. As you age, the actual structures on the inside of the eyes. This decline typically begins around the age of 40 and above. Often times this is an extremely normal process that will gradually happen. There are some very serious diseases and conditions that can occur as you get older including cataracts, macular degeneration, and glaucoma. If you notice any sudden changes in your eyesight, you should see a doctor right away to help prevent further damage. Another extremely common cause of eye problems today is because of the technologies that we use. Staring at a computer, tablet, or smartphone screen too much can cause problems like eyestrain, dry eyes, trouble when it comes to focusing at a distance, and blurry vision.

There are some things that you can do to help to protect your eyes as long as possible. First of all, eating a healthy diet can help your eyes. There are nutrients that are so important here, including omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins C and E, zinc, and lutein. These nutrients can help you to fight against age-related problems with your vision. In order to get these nutrients in your diet, you need to eat a balanced diet. This includes eating oily fish like tuna or salmon, leafy greens, citrus fruits, and things like eggs and nuts. Sometimes you may need to add in supplements to help aid your diet so that you can get these incredibly important nutrients in your system. Adding supplements like Maxi Focus and Eye Protector can help give your diet the boost that you need to help keep your eyes in healthy shape. Everyone needs a little help, and these can give you that help.

You are able to fight any potential age related eye problems through healthy eating and being cautious around your technology screens. While it is not entirely avoidable, you can give your eyes a fighting chance against conditions like macular degeneration and cataracts. Diet is not just everything, as often times people do not get enough nutrients. This is why you need to realize the shortcomings in your diet and look into supplements that will fill in those blanks that your diet leaves behind. These are essential in this important fight to keep your vision in good repair.

Insights into Organics and Wellbeing

The term “organic” refers to the way agricultural products are grown and processed. Specific requirements must be met and maintained in order for products to be labelled as “organic.”

Organic crops must be grown in safe soil with no modifications. There can be no use of pesticides, GMOs or petroleum- or sewage sludge-based fertilizers.
Any actual livestock must be able to access the outdoors and must be fed organic feed. They are not allowed to be given antibiotics, growth hormones, or any animal-by-products.

Organic foods have a multitude of benefits. It has been shown that organic foods have more antioxidants than non-organic food. They also seem to be more receptive to people with allergies to certain foods, chemicals or preservatives. The symptoms found in non-organic food seem to decrease or even disappear all together when eating organic foods.

Organic foods also contain fewer pesticides. Chemicals used by farmers such as fungicides, herbicides, and insecticides are harmful to the body, but helpful when growing mass amounts of produce. Unfortunately these chemicals tend to stay on the foods that are produced and sold in stores.

Organic farming is better for the environment. The practices used by organic farmers help reduce various types of pollution, including air, water and soil. They also conserve more water, increase the fertility of the surrounding soil, reduce soil erosion, and even use less energy. It is also beneficial for local wildlife. Without the wide use of harmful chemicals, the area is much more suitable for nearby animals and birds, as well as people who work at the farm or live nearby.

On the flip side, when eating non-organic and processed foods, there are many detriments to your health.

The majority of processed foods contain high amounts of sugar or high fructose corn syrup. This can lead to insulin resistance, increased cholesterol levels and fat accumulation in the liver. These symptoms can end up leading to fatal conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, obesity and cancer.

Worse than just the high amounts of sugar are all the added artificial ingredients. Ingredients used to make colours brighter, smells more flavourful and to make the food last longer. Things that all sound great, but they come with a cost. At this point, you’re not eating food anymore, you’re eating mostly chemicals.

When you’re not eating real food and you’re just eating chemicals, your food is very low in nutrients. The food may taste delicious, but it’s not doing anything healthy for your body. Some foods have synthetic vitamins and minerals added to compensate for what was lost during processing. These are not equal to the nutrients you would get in whole foods however.

Real foods contain thousands of trace nutrients, rather than just a few “designer” nutrients added in through guilt.

The more processed foods you eat, the less vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and trace nutrients you receive per meal.

So while organic foods may be a slight bit more expensive, it’s well worth it in the long run. You’re getting good, healthy food made by nature with no added chemicals. Eating processed foods are a good way to get a large number of medical conditions, or even just to shorten your life. All just to save a few pounds.

Personally, I’d rather be healthy than have an extra few pounds in my pocket. But that’s just my opinion!

Love your child

Love your child. Sounds crazy, I know. But major studies out there show lack of love early in life causes health problems in future. Of course, we all love our children, but how much affection and touch you give them can influence their disease risk later on.


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