Why do we need to detox?

December 22, 2014

Often our current lifestyle choices can create quite a few problems in our body’s overall optimal function: we have raised stress levels, a diet that is high in sugar, poor quality fats, processed foods; therefore the diet is low in key nutrients. Add in a lack of exercise and such lifestyle abuses will affect the delicate balance of the body systems and can lead to congestion or sluggishness in the detoxification pathways.

We have widespread instances of hormonal problems, fatigue, muscular aches, headaches, etc. which will lead to imbalances. We misuse medications, antibiotics, hormonal medications such as the oral contraceptive pill, we have poor digestion, poor bowel movements so we have inadequate elimination of toxins through the digestive tract, reduced liver and kidney function and all these things will contribute to increased levels of toxicity.


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