The science behind sound therapy

March 5, 2015

The science of sound healing is complex. It starts with the understanding that each atom is constructed of electrons, protons, neutrons, and subatomic particles.

Electrons that move at over six hundred miles per second surround each atom. Motion creates frequency, which creates vibration, which in turn generates sound (whether audible or not).

Here is a step-by-step introduction to the science of sound healing:

  1. Sound information forms patterns out of matter. Therefore it must contain the information needed to form these patterns.
  2. Sound moves in waves, and in turn creates fields. Particular sounds are passed into, out of and through the body through molecules that act as transfer points for information.
  3. A molecule can literally take on the vibration of an initial pulse and pass this vibration on to its neighbours, which is why sound can shape and change the body and its fields.
  4. Water molecules, formed from crystals, will actually shape and reshape according to the vibration of a sound or the information coded into it – for better or worse.
  5. Sound waves are like a deep massage at an atomic and molecular level.
  6. Every organ, bone and tissue has its own frequency.
  7. Sound moves in waves, and in turn creates fields. Particular sounds are passed into, out of, and through the body through molecules, which act as transfer points for information.
  8. The sound waves of tuning forks vibrate and travel deeply into the body along energy pathways, affecting human physiology and reaching places not easily accessed.
  9. Their rich resonance and vibration connects with and supports the body’s natural frequencies, stimulates and balances the body’s physical and subtle energy field, and promotes wellness, deep inner harmony, and harmonic attunement.
  10. Certain notes or tones can be harmful. For example very low infrasonic frequencies can collapse internal organs; ultrasonic energy can decalcify and soften bones
  11. Sound can be healing. As shown by researcher Fabien Maman when sounding a tuning fork on a cancer cell and the cell dissolved.
  12. Water conducts sound four times faster than air so it can be a useful entrainment (joining of vibrations) tool – especially for our bodies, which are 70% water.
  13. Sound delivers healing vibrations faster than many other methods. It is frequently employed in chakra and auric field therapy.

Emma Lane will share more about the science behind energy healing in her 2-day workshop – Retune, Rebalance and Regenerate – The Art of Energy Healing. Book now.


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