Toxic aluminium

Reduce toxic aluminium input by avoiding the use of aluminium cookware, cans, antacids and antiperspirants.

Be my guest

Coming up with fresh ideas for your blog can be hard work for practitioners who are busy with their day job. Why not ask a non-competitive colleague to pen a news piece for you? It will add value and interest for your clients and help to give your blog more variety.

No more ‘.’

Good news for Tweeters. You no longer need to insert a character before starting a tweet with @username. So you can ditch the dot and know that your tweets will reach all your followers.

Be a grammar god

If you are writing your own content or blogs be careful to ensure your grammar is perfect. Mistakes and silly errors will do nothing for your professional image. Use the Grammarly online checker or ask a friend to proofread your work.

Live time

The new Live film feed on Facebook is an easy way to give your clients a window into your world and share your knowledge. Consider your topic, write down some notes to guide you and buy a tripod. Set up your phone to face you and go live!


Using visuals in social media is a good way to increase interaction with your followers. There are some great graphic tools that you can use to make your social marketing more creative and many of them are free! Try Canva, PicMonkey and Ripl.

Invest in your relationships.

Invest in relationships because they take time to build. When did you last take your best client/referrer out for dinner/lunch?

Exercise doesn’t help us lose weight

Coca-cola told the world that weight loss is all to do with exercise (and nothing to do with its sugary drinks) – but they’re wrong. Exercise is good for us, but it won’t help us lose weight, a new study has discovered. Although most of us think we’re sure to lose weight if we go […]

Counselling as effective as antidepressants

Prescription for antidepressants have doubled over the past decade, raking in billions of dollars for the pharmaceutical industry – but the drugs work only as well as counselling, which is a much cheaper option. The drugs and cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) – often referred to as a ‘talking cure’ – work equally well in fighting […]

Expand your network

Connect with practitioners of similar professions who already have a network, chasing clients is hard work.

Don’t get buried in your admin

Write up your client notes after each session or at lunch time and then at the end of the day. Keep on top of your admin or you will get buried in it!

Go wild for salmon

Salmon is packed with omega-3 healthy fats that improve insulin sensitivity and help to burn fat and prevent heart disease. Mullin says that wild salmon have a much higher ratio of beneficial fats than farmed fish, which are also frequently doused with antibiotics and fed genetically modified corn and soy. Salmon in the wild are […]


INTEGRATIVE HEALTH EDUCATION brings together the best health educators from around the world to present a comprehensive programme of training opportunities. Course subjects include gastrointestinal health, parasites, fungus and bacterial infections, energy and emotional healing practices and mindfulness. If there is a subject you’d like to learn more about, but can’t find a course, just let us know.

Mission Statement

Our vision is that health practitioners can develop the skills and knowledge to employ a variety of practical methodologies that safely bridge the gap between conventional Western medicine and holistic healthcare practices.

Through our training courses we aim to give practitioners, whatever their approach to health and wellbeing, the knowledge, skills and tools that will enable them to deliver the best possible approaches to resolve their patients or client’s health challenges.

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