
Energy Medicine is a fast, simple and effective way to enhance your health and vitality.


Energy Medicine is both a complete system for self-care, as well as a complement to other therapies or medical care.


When you’re feeling spacey, lightheaded or emotional, one of the drivers of this can be that you’re ungrounded. One or more grounding exercises can make all the difference!


Grounding is important after air travel because flying high up in the air impacts your energetic connection to the earth.


Grounding effectively helps alleviate inflammation in your body.

How to improve Grounding

There is a stream of energy that rises up through the soles of your feet and separates at the pelvic floor. One stream spirals down from the sacrum, the other continues to rise and spills down from the top of the head. Imagine these two streams flowing up and back down to the earth, like […]

How to improve Grounding

Mentally ground by imagining roots travelling from the soles of your feet down into the earth.

How to improve Grounding

Rubbing a stainless steel spoon under your feet helps to reset the magnetic polarities of the body so you are energetically connected to the earth

How to improve Grounding

Walk barefoot in nature. Touching the earth helps neutralize the damaging positive charges of free radicals in your body.

Support yourself from the risk of flu

Lower your risk this of flu this season by supporting your wellbeing. Eat, sleep, move and drink appropriately for your health needs and utilise supplements to support. Vitamin D – 1,000-3,000 iu per day in natural form with vitamin K Vitamin C – 1-3g of ascorbic acid per day Garlic – 180mg of allicin per […]

Be your own cheerleader

Don’t beat yourself for not being perfect and don’t compare yourself to others. Be your own cheerleader, don’t look to others to boost your self-esteem.

Be kind to yourself

Be kind to yourself. Train your inner voice to say nice things and to be positive.


INTEGRATIVE HEALTH EDUCATION brings together the best health educators from around the world to present a comprehensive programme of training opportunities. Course subjects include gastrointestinal health, parasites, fungus and bacterial infections, energy and emotional healing practices and mindfulness. If there is a subject you’d like to learn more about, but can’t find a course, just let us know.

Mission Statement

Our vision is that health practitioners can develop the skills and knowledge to employ a variety of practical methodologies that safely bridge the gap between conventional Western medicine and holistic healthcare practices.

Through our training courses we aim to give practitioners, whatever their approach to health and wellbeing, the knowledge, skills and tools that will enable them to deliver the best possible approaches to resolve their patients or client’s health challenges.

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